Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mini Veggie Trays: great for lunch or snacking!

Last week, I mentioned that one of my goals for this year is to get healthy and hopefully, as a result of my new healthy lifestyle, lose some weight. 

Monday, I weighed myself.  I didn't get the results I was hoping for.  But I wasn't surprised.  I know that not all of my meal/snack/drink choices were healthy choices. 

On one hand, I had trouble with portion sizes (some of the time) and wasn't able to give up my soda. 

On the other hand, I snacked on fresh veggies during the day and tried to include milk as a beverage each day. 

At the beginning of the week, I made a bunch of mini veggie trays for myself.  This made it much easier to choose a healthy snack, since it was right there in the fridge.  All ready and waiting for me! 

I sliced some cucumbers, cut up  some celery in thin sticks (the way I like it).  I placed some of the cucumbers and celery into plastic containers and added a handful of baby carrots to each container.

I stacked the containers in the fridge, so they were in plain sight.  Making it easy to just reach in and grab one.  Each day after lunch, when I was in need of a snack, I'd pull one of the containers out, fill a small bowl with fat free dressing for dip and snack on the veggies up until dinner time! 

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Meghan said...

This is a great way to keep yourself motivated. I sometimes do this (wash, cut and portioned in the fridge) with fruit too.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. I snacked on cookies today because they were easy. I need to cut things ahead of time.

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