
Friday, May 14, 2010

Frugal Friday: Using Bed, Bath & Beyond coupons

I love Bed, Bath & Beyond.  I don't get to shop there too often, but when I do, I go in with a stack of coupons!  Not only do I get them in the mail, but Mom also saves them for me. 

When I write my Christmas shopping list out, I check to see if there is anything that I can buy from BB&B in order to save some money with the coupons!  I love that BB&B allows you to use more than one coupon per purchase!  Also, I've been told that even though the coupons have an expiration date, they don't REALLY expire!  The cashiers accept them past the expiration date! 

This past Christmas, was my first year Christmas shopping with a baby.  I was tired and a little confused when I walked up to the register with my purchases and my stack of coupons.  I was trying to figure the best combination of 20% off one item and $5 off of a $15 purchase.  The cashier asked if she could take a look and figured the best deal for me!  How nice is that??? 

Last week, I noticed that the plastic part that holds our hand held shower head in place was getting loose.  It was getting so loose, that I was hoping that it wouldn't fall off and hit me in the head while I was showering.  

It seemed a shame to get an entirely new shower head for just one bad piece.  And since we are really trying to NOT SPEND ANY MONEY this month, I considered just using some duct tape to hold it in place and use as if it were a standard wall mount shower head.  But, we use the hand held feature every day. 

We have well water and everytime I fill my daughter's duckie tub up without using the shower head, we get sand in the bottom of the tub.  I'm new to well water, so I'm not sure if this is normal or not.  We don't see the sand in any of the other faucets, just the tub.  So, by using the shower head to fill the tub, we eliminate the sand.  So, to me, this seemed like a NEEDED item and not just a WANTED item. 

Anyway, I remembered that I had a 20% off coupon for Bed, Bath & Beyond.  I also remembered that I saw shower attachments when I was there the  last time.  Monday, we had errands to run.  Joe went to Home Depot in the morning before Grace and I woke up.  He checked the prices on the shower attachments while he was there.  $60 for the model (or similar) we were replacing. 

We stopped at BB&B to check their prices.  Grace fell asleep in the truck, so Joe sat with her while I ran in to check our the shower heads.  I saw the same one that he priced at Home Depot.  It was the same price.  $60.  But with the coupon we could save $12.  Woohoo! 

Notice, I said "could save".  Not, "we saved".  I ended up getting a different model that was $10 cheaper.  Same brand as the one we've had for the past 3 years, but different model.  It was $50.  We saved $10 by using the coupon.  Still, a great deal.  Except we hate the new model!  We really should have stuck with the one we knew we liked. 

I went with the other model because it has a pause feature on it that I thought would be great for when I sit on the edge of the tub to shave my legs or when I wash the baby's hair or whatever.  It doesn't work. 

So, the next step is to write to the company and let them know that we're not pleased with the shower head.  I'll let you know how that works out. 

I didn't mention the brand of the shower head that we purchased, mainly because I didn't want this post to be a product review.  I really wanted it to be a Frugal Friday post and focus mainly on using those BB&B coupons. 

Be sure to head over to Life As Mom for more Frugal Friday money-saving tips! 

Check back here on Monday, I'll be announcing a giveaway to celebrate my 100th post!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! I haven't been to BB&B in a long time, but the next time I do, I'll be using those coupons!!


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