Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Little Artist

Grace loves to color.  She gets so excited when she sees me get out the poster board and box of crayons!

Here's a photo of one of her masterpieces.....on my floor!

At first, I was relieved that we skipped spending a fortune having the floor re-finished when we first bought the house.  Then I realized that it cleans up pretty easily after scuffing it with my sock!

Later that same day, I looked over while we were coloring and was shocked at the way she held her crayon at only 21 months old! 

Last week, I dug out my colored pencils from my craft room.  She loves them!  I'm glad, since they are a bit easier to keep track of when cleaning up.  Somehow, with the crayons, I always manage to "miss" one and Joe would usually find it later...with his boot.  Broken and crushed crayons all over the place!

I'll be linking this Wordless Wednesday post to the following blog carnivals:


PippaD said...

It's great when they start creating isn't it!

Stacy said...

I love early coloring masterpieces - although remembering to treasure it when it's directly on a piece of my house would be a little harder ;-)

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