
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Spring Chick Challenge 2012 Weekly Update

I wish last week's weigh-in (and 2 lb. loss) was enough to keep me motivated, but sadly, I just did what I shouldn't and ate what I wanted. 

Yesterday, I weighed in and it showed a gain.  I was in no way surprised.  Maybe a bit disappointed, but really, I expected it.  I gained most of those 2 lbs. back. 

I hate that this is so hard.  It certainly wasn't this difficult gaining all of this weight!  

This week will be different.  On Sunday, I dug out the Wii and set it up.  Today, I want to see if Grace will play with me.  I only have 2 discs, but I think I'll start out with the running.  I really hope she'll run with me, it might help tire her out, so that her sleep schedule gets better. 

All last week, I was back to drinking diet soda.  I'm having such a difficult time with the water.  Sunday night, I made myself a pitcher of sweet tea (using Splenda) and will drink that this week.  It's probably not much better than the diet soda, but doesn't have the carbonation.  The next pitcher I make will be half decaf..that should be better. 

In addition to adding in the Wii this week and swapping out my Diet Pepsi for (diet) sweet tea, my goal for the week is to eat a healthy breakfast every day.  At the moment, my choices are oatmeal with fruit on the side, or Cheerios with banana and skim milk.  Also, I'll eat a salad with dinner every night.  Small goals that I want to turn into new habits. 

I hope you are all having a better time with this challenge


  1. Small Goes turning them in to daily habits is the best way to go, Putting your life Upside down all at once is going to make you feel like giving up because your body is throwing you in so many directions,

    Good job on the small goals and bringing them in to your life and making them become a habit you can do this :) Just take it one step at a time if that means one thing at time at least your heading in the proper direction <3!

  2. Hey... It was just one week. Make small changes that you can keep. I have been working on changing my mindset... seeing this as a new, improved lifestyle. That way I have to get it in my head that I am going to eat healthier from here on out. Here's to a better week.


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