
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Guest Posting at Mess for Less ~ My First Guest Post!

Good Morning, Friends! 

I'm so excited! 

Today, you can find me over at Mess For Less sharing a Thrifty Thursday solution for toy storage! 

Mess For Less

Yes, it's my first time doing a guest post!  While I am super-excited, I was a bit out of my comfort zone... Not only writing for someone else's page, but also on a topic I don't write about too often.  In the end, I'm pleased with my post and I may start posting more thrifty solutions here in the future! 

I'd love for you to follow me over to Vicky's page, not only to check out my post, but to see what else her page has to offer! 

1 comment:

I love to hear from our readers, but don't always have the time to respond to every comment...but please don't let that stop you from saying hello or letting me know what you think of the content here Under the Big Oak Tree.

Also, I apologize for activating the word verification option for comments. My in-box has been flooded with SPAM comments making it very difficult to weed through and find the comments from our readers!