Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday ~ My Little Cupcake

Everyone loves cupcakes!  I mean really, who doesn't love a cute little cupcake with swirly frosting and festive sprinkles in a variety of colors? 

Right now, Grace doesn't eat much.  She's so picky it's ridiculous.  But she LOVES cupcakes! 

More specifically, she loves cupcake FROSTING.  Occasionally, she'll actually eat the cake.  But more often than not, the cake itself is left somewhere on the floor and soon gobbled up by Remmy, our Boston Terrier with a sweet tooth!  (I try to limit the sweets that Remmy gets, but I've never met a dog that won't stalk a toddler to see what they'll drop on the floor!) 

Joe picks up a package of cupcakes from the bakery counter of our local supermarket at least once a week.  Seeing the crazy price of $3.99 for 6 regular sized cupcakes (or 12 mini), I decided I should make some myself.  For half the price, I could get double, if not triple, the amount of cupcakes. 

Little stinker can tell the difference between the "professionally" frosted cupcakes and my slap-some-frosting-on-there cupcakes!  So, until I get my niece over here to show me how to make some fancy cupcakes, I guess Joe will have to continue picking up a tray of cupcakes each week! 

This post has been linked to the following blog carnivals and linky parties:


The Sisters' Hood said...

Oh, you can totally do this ... a box of cake mix, add some stuff to make it more fun. Get a container of already whipped frosting and cut the sugar with a little cream cheese and swirl it on! ;)

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha that's just like my sisters little girl! She is very picky but she LOVES cupcakes!!

Shelly said...

Cupcakes any which way are yummy! I'd go for just the frosting too. LOL

Mariposa said...

I'm not into cupcakes...but my nephew loves them!

She is sooo cute!

Happy WW!

Monica (Weight Loss Journey) said...

too cute :)!! Mmm Cupcakes would be so tempting having around lol

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