
Thursday, March 8, 2012

My Spring Cleaning Decluttering Challenge: Update #1

Last week, I told you all about my spring cleaning decluttering challenge.  Since that post, my main focus has been ridding my house of 100 items that are no longer used, needed or even wanted.  It has become an obsession! 

The first week of my challenge went really well!  I started by setting up a series of boxes.  One for donating, one for keeping and one for selling.  I also made sure to keep a large trash can handy! 

I'm pleased to say that I was able to box up 100 items to be donated to the local thrift shop!  Two boxes worth of items!  It felt so good to load those boxes into the back of the truck on Monday morning!

I also managed to sell a bunch of stuff online.  If you haven't heard about Facebook Yard Sales yet, I suggest you check them out!  My friend Lisa told me about Facebook Yard Sales in her area and recommended that I try to find local ONLINE yard sales in my area.  I'm so glad I did!  After staying up late a few nights last week, listing a few things each night, I was able to sell 15 items and have several sales pending.  It's a lot of work, but the extra cash will go towards some of our summer activities. 

I must say, this is a big project!  Bigger than I thought it would be!  115 items really didn't make a dent in the mess that is called my basement. 

Be sure to check back next week for another update on my spring cleaning decluttering challenge! 

1 comment:

  1. I have not heard of facebook sales, sounds interesting. Glad you were able to get rid of stuff! I so need to do that! No energy though.


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