
Friday, October 5, 2012

Alison's Keurig Vue House Party ~ Part 2

Earlier this week, I shared photos leading up to our Keurig Vue House Party.  I can't even begin to tell you how excited I was to host this party!  Not only did this party give me an excuse to invite family and friends over for a visit, but I was also able to tell them about the House Party program and about the Keurig Vue brewer.

After the invitations went out, I received emails from some of our guests asking what would be available to purchase at the party, do I get credit for purchases, etc.  That is what I love the most about House Party.  I get to tell my party guests about new products without them feeling pressured to buy.  There's no demonstrator, no catalogs to flip through, no feeling pressured to offer to host your own party in order for the hostess to get extra credit or be paid in "free" product.

Our party was delayed due to the fact that many of our guests were out of town on the official Keurig Vue House Party date.  This gave me a little extra time to plan my menu and get the house ready for the party.

I started by getting the Halloween decorations down from the attic!  I was so excited to get the house decorated for Halloween!  Grace was, too!  We don't have a lot of decorations, but it was enough to make the place feel a bit festive!

Then Joe and I turned our dry sink into a coffee station.  I told Joe my idea and he made a couple adjustments and now it's the perfect spot to keep our new Keurig Vue!  Once the new top was in place, I set it up the coffee station for the party!

At first, I thought of just using the dry sink for the party, but since then realized that this is the best spot in the kitchen for the brewer since we are severely lacking in counter space in our oddly shaped kitchen.  So this will be it's home for a while.

I filled the drawers with the assortment of Vue cups that were sent to me from House Party!  Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of that, but here's a photo of the flavors that were sent with the second installment of the House Party kit.  

Once guests started arriving, I showed them how to brew their drink selections.

Most of the food was prepared the night before the party.  For lunch, I served Chicken Rice Soup, Balsamic Chicken over pasta, and chicken nuggets for the kids.  Dessert was cookies provided by House Party, Three Ingredient Pumpkin Spice Cake, and Brownies (thanks, Diahanna)!

House Party provided some cookies for dessert!  We also had Three Ingredient Pumpkin Spice Cake and Brownies (thanks, Diahanna)!

The party was a huge success, I'm so happy that so many of our family and friends were able to fit us into their busy schedules.  We had a few people show up later in the day and didn't make it for the group photo...but that's okay, I don't think we could have fit anyone else on our sofa!

Many thanks to Keurig, House Party and all of our friends for a wonderful day!

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