A few weeks ago, we happened to be running errands not too far from my favorite thrift shop. I was pleased when my four year-old asked to go into what she calls the "bird store". Fitting name since there's a bird on the sign. We didn't have anything else planned for the day, so we parked the car and ventured into the shops for some browsing.
Grace enjoys testing each chair and sofa in the furniture department, but her patience wears off by the time Joe gets to the hardware department. By this time she is so excited, she just can't wait to get to the toy section! I love that she can be equally pleased with a 99 cent thrift shop find as she would be with a shopping spree at that major toy retailer.
I thought that I took pictures of all of our finds from that day, but when looking back at my camera I noticed I only took a couple photos of some pots and pans we picked up that day. So, I'll have to come back another time to share the rest of our second-hand treasures with you. But for now, take a peek at 3 of the items we brought home with us that day!
The top two pots were my picks for the day!
I have a difficult time resisting old enamel kitchen items.
Joe has wanted a cast iron skillet for some time.
This one needs a little cleaning up.
Since I don't have any experience with that,
I'll leave that up to him!
I love that large stock pot!
I wish I had this one around when Grace was smaller,
it sure would make for a great photo prop!
I don't usually purchase two enamel pieces in one outing.
We live in a small house, so I really try not to go overboard with collecting.
So, for the sake of space and our budget,
I usually limit my purchases to ONE collectible item.
Especially, when it's not half price day!
But I really had a tough time deciding
when I came across this green pot.
Even Joe was surprised
when he spotted both items in our cart!
I rationalized it like this:
Well, we haven't been here in a while...
and probably won't be for a few weeks...
And I don't have anything this size (speaking of the stock pot)
or this color (that green pot) yet!
I'm still waiting for Joe to clean up this skillet
and cook up something delicious!
I'll have to pull a few more items out of the cupboards, so I can snap some photos to share with you next week!
This post has been linked up to the following blog carnivals and linky parties:
- Vintage Thingie Thursday hosted by the Coloradolady