
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wordless (or Wordful) Wednesday ~ Bitstrips

I've been obsessed with my iPhone ever since taking advantage to the free upgrade on our plan a few months ago.

If I'm not cooking, cleaning or caring for Grace, you are sure to find me playing with my phone.  Whether it's checking Facebook, reading emails, or playing a variety of games.  Although, I've given in to the Candy Crush Saga temptation, Words with Friends remains my favorite game to play on my phone!

My latest phone activity is Bitstrips.  I had fun creating a cartoon image of myself and only wish I was really as skinny as my cartoon self!

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share this cartoon here since it pretty much captures the food blogger side of myself!

1 comment:

  1. They are cute but haven't wanted to turn myself into a cartoon strip. Happy November from Bloggy Mom Hop.


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