
Sunday, July 20, 2014

What Makes Me Smile #3

Last week was a rough week on my depression and anxiety, yet, I was still able to find some positive moments that brought a smile to my face.  

  • Water balloons!  You can't beat the fun you can get out of a Dollar Store pack of water balloons! Lot's of cheap entertainment for the kids even if I am the one that gets stuck filling them all up!  We had a few days of laughs watching Grace and her friends playing with the water-filled balloons!  The dog even got in on the act when Joe filled a couple regular-sized balloons with water!  

  • Visiting with old friends.  Grace and I enjoyed a nice visit from old friends last week.  It was great watching the kids play and splash in the pool and hearing them exclaim: "you are my best friend" to each other.  Meeting a sweet new baby was pretty awesome, too!  

  • Laughing at myself.  We had a couple days that were a bit cooler last week.  One night after dinner, we decided to walk at a local park.  I'd like to say we were doing it to be outside and enjoy nature, but really we were being nosy and wanted to see how a local construction job was coming along.  On our way back to the car, I spotted this dead tree covered with turkey vultures.  Now, we always see the turkey vultures soaring above this park and even perched upon this very tree, but not quite so many at one time!  I had to chuckle at myself when I let out a scream when they started to get restless and flap their wings while we were looking up at them!  Apparently, they didn't want their picture taken!

  • Family.  When my nieces were young, we'd have what we called "Girls' lunch" every time I visited.  I had the chance to host "Girls' Lunch" at my house.  Grace is really getting used to playing with babies and told baby N "you are my best baby cousin!"  I was trying to teach baby N to blow kisses and before she left I think she was getting the idea!  It was nice to see her so cheerful since usually she cries when I'm around!  A happy baby is a lot to smile about!  

  • Morning Texts.  I woke up one morning to an incredibly beautiful, totally upbeat and positive text message from a dear old friend.  I don't know if she sensed that this is something I needed or just something she wanted to pass on to me at that moment, but it was well received when I read it before I even rubbed the sleep from my eyes.  

Have a happy week full of smiles!

Linking to:

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you enjoyed a lot of blessings last week! Life is better when we appreciate the little things! :)


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