Today, my friend Emily would like to tell you about a fundraiser she has organized locally.
Emily writes:
While attending a local farmer's market this summer, I had the pleasure of meeting many new neighbors and small businesses in the local community. One family we met, we learned was involved with a local charity that struck our hearts. They invited us to a banquet benefiting that charity, and I got to learn more about them and what they do. That local charity is Morning Star, and to see the impact it has made in their lives.
Morning Star offers support, help and education to young mothers facing a crisis pregnancy. When a young woman comes to them, they offer help with obtaining medical care, parenting classes, life skills classes, education, job assistance and housing assistance when they are ready to leave the home. They not only make sure the mothers are taken care of during the pregnancy, but are prepared for their life after the babies arrive, so they can expect a hopeful future.
I was moved to try to do something to help the maternity home, and as my major skill sets revolve around event planning, I committed to help plan a fundraiser for Morning Star. I also happen to be the co-admin of "Businesswomen and Mompreneurs (BAM), Upper Bucks", a local networking group for Moms. We chose Morning Start as the beneficiary of our first annual Spring Bazaar.
We are planning a fun, family-friendly event, complete with vendors, raffles, food, games, crafts and entertainment. There will be balloon animals, face painting, character costumes, a fun phot booth, chair massage and more!
We will be hosting the Spring Bazaar on
Saturday, April 18, 2015, from 2:00 to 7:00pm, at the Highland Park Camp Meeting Dining Hall, at 415 Highland Park Road, Sellersville, PA 18960
You can find more information about the event at: Morning Star Fundraising Event
Emily has offered our readers a free raffle ticket...just print the photo below:

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